Yoga on Scheveningen beach
Yoga on the beach. Listen to the waves and the wind and find your inner peace. Feel the sun on your face and feel one with nature. Yogi Natasha gives a relaxing yoga class on the south beach of Scheveningen, which will makes you feel relaxed and will help you connect to your (inner) self.
Yoga on Scheveningen beach
You ll get a yoga class on the south beach of Scheveningen. At the quiet part of the beach, close to beach restaurant At the Beach, we ll give a relaxing and warm yoga class. You ll find your peace when you feel the sand under your feet and when you connect to your body and your inner self.
The wind blows through your hair, you feel the sun on your face and you let everything go. The beach and the ocean, it’s like magic and it helps you to open up. You feel one with nature.
Prices yoga classes
- Yoga class
- 5 yoga classes
- 15 euro’s
- 65 euro’s
Hatha Yoga
With this class you ll get a hatha yoga class and a meditation. We think that breathing is an important of yoga and therefor we makes this a central part of our yoga class.
Hatha yoga is the base of all types of yoga and that makes it a great way to start. You ll learn the basic asana’s (poses) and from there you can continue. The yoga is relaxing and it will help you to feel your inner peace. With the meditiation you ll become more relaxed in your head and you can learn to let your thoughts pass by.